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Reports on the Eldrissen

The Eldrissen are commonly regarded as lizard men, though their amphibious nature would tend to cast doubt on that. In fact, extensive study of their anatomy and physiology indicates that they are, in fact, draconian in origin. Their wings have evolved into a fanlike shape unsuited for flying, but excellent for rapid propulsion through the water.

Statistics for Eldrissen Characters

Str -2 Con -2 Wis +2 Dex +2

Move: 40, Swim 30

Hit Dice: As class, one step up (wizard is 1d6, Fighter 1d10, etc) up to a maximum of 1d12

While they have evolved to a state where strength and health have been sacrificed in favor of quickness and agility, they still have some great vigor from their dragon blood.

Considered draconic for any spells or items that would only affect dragons. This means that they are unaffected by spells that target humanoids.

Able to breathe fresh water or air without any difficulty, although saltwater is painful for them to be in for long periods of time.

Favored class: Ranger or Druid, depending on group and indivudal


The Eldrissen have a strange philosophy. They believe that all emotions and feelings in the world are based upon fear. Anger is, in their philosophy, a fear of death manifested as an attempt to drive away the danger. Love is a fear of being alone. The OlderSister in their mythology is known as FearEnder.

Note that this philosophy is not necessarily a negative or cowardly one. While there certainly exist cowardly or evil Eldrissen, for the most part they are as brave as any human or dwarf. Also note that this philosophy results in them actually performing better when afraid (any morale penalty from fear is taken as a bonus instead), and that fear enchantments or charms do not affect them as intended.

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