

Episode Number: (TG302)
Original Airdate: 7/2001

Arlemis, Aldamar, and Emcee Hartsdotter arrive to help the others against Tar'haer'raloth. But even once the dragon is on the ground, he's a difficult force to comprehend, much less stop. At the episode's end, Leny, Tierney, Arlemis, and Emcee are down.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Nothing new here. Party getting whooped. Party getting creamed. Some good strategies with the potions, but all in all, an inability to do damage at a distance makes the dragon tough to beat.

DMP Speaks:

Originally, the script called for Tar'haer'raloth to be driven off. But when I saw what was happening, I realized that I'd have to change things. You'll see that reflected in the next episode.

The title?

Comes from an old SNL skit. Levi's Three-Legged Jeans. A bunch of guys running around in three-legged jeans, looking like idiots, and finally one guy turns to the camera and says, "Hey, it's no dumber than acid-washed..."

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