
The Wild One

(aka GreenLady)

Chaotic Neutral

The Wild One is the goddess of all nature. Farmers rarely call upon her except in cases of extreme need, because the Wild One embraces the chaos and savagery of the wild. She is the essence of freedom, and prisoners often pray to her in times of desperation.

Priests of the Wild One are rarely found in towns, unless they are drinking in a tavern. Their utter contempt for law and order marks them as fugitives and criminals in many towns. They get on well with many druids and rangers, however, and live well in the wild. Priests of the Wild One suffer no danger from natural weather hazards. They will not drown in a storm at sea, they will not die of exposure in the desert, and when a volcano destroys the town, they will be miraculously unharmed, sitting and laughing on the cooling rock. They are forbidden from keeping bound any animal or plant -- animal friendship spells are acceptable, as are charm spells if necessary, but domination is out of the question. A Wild Priest will never have a pet, never keep a garden, and never have any home that cannot be taken down and carried away in less than ten minutes.


Animal, Plant, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Chaos.

Favored Weapon

Spear (any)

Iconic Symbol

An oak tree of almost human shape.

Appears as

A beautiful woman, feet and hands dirty and grass-stained, wearing animal skins or nothing at all.


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