

Large undead

HD: 6d12 (45 hp)
Init: +3 Dex
Move: 20', fly 60'
Face/Reach: 5'x 5'/10' reach
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, -1 size, +6 natural)
Attack: 2 slams +8
Damage: Slam 1d8+5
Special Attacks: Engulf, energy drain
Special Qualities: Undead, Fire/Cold/Elec Resistance 15, DR10/+3
Saves: F:+2 R:+5 W:+5
Abilities: Str:21 Dex:16 Con:- Int:10 Wis:11 Cha:11
Feats: Toughness (x2)
Skills: Disguise+10, Listen+10, Bluff+10
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Organization: Solitary or pair
Climate/Terrain: Underground
Treasure: None
Advancement: 7-11HD(Large), 12-18HD(Huge)
Challenge Rating: 2

The skins are deadly creations formed by stitching together the skins of flayed men. The result, a nightmarish creation of amorphous flesh and horrible power, has enough power to frighten otherwise hardy parties.

The skins appear as vaguely humanoid when seen from a distance, but once viewers approach, it is clear that the skins are hollow and empty, mere coverings. The faces of the dead men whose skins make up the new monster are clearly recognizeable, and the creature may have some knowledge that its component skins once had -- though it rarely speaks.

Combat: The skins enjoy charging opponents. They fly if necessary against airborne opponents, but do not have the patience for clever surprises unless being guided by a more powerful master.

Engulf: On a successful hit, the skins may attempt a grapple check without provoking an attack of opportunity. Success indicates that the victim has been engulfed by the skins. All items fall to the floor as the skins wrap themselves around the victim. The skins will then make grapple checks each round, doing further damage. Each round, the victim also gains one negative energy level.

Any attack on the skins while they have engulfed a victim deals half damage to the skins, and half damage to the victim within. The only exception is positive energy in the form of cure spells.

Resistances: The skins are the products of powerful magic. Though not the strongest of undead, they are resistant to fire, electricity, and cold (15 in each case), and have DR10/+3.

History: The party fought a single skin in Glain when fighting Rilt in "Razed and Raised". Later, when fighting Rilt's alter-ego, Reltajoon, they fought multiple skins.

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