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Your Turn in the Tree

Episode Number: (TG416)
Original Airdate: 8/2002

As reality twists and turns, the party tries to uncover what's happening. They realize that time travel and alternate realities are involved. Soon, Gryff and Timus are both gone, and Twingate has been destroyed. Salin helps the remains of the party, and sends them back to the ruined keep from the first season, where they run into devils, goblins, and plot.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


DMP Speaks

The title comes from an old joke: An druidic acolyte... let's call him, Aldamar... has just begun studying, and he's nervous, stressed out, and he keenly misses the girl he left back at home. His teacher, upon noticing this, chuckles and tells him that his urges are natural. He points Aldamar at a tree with a strategically placed knothole, and when Aldamar takes the natural druidic path, he finds that it is a magical, mystical, really really great experience.

Aldamar the acolyte takes advantage of this magical knothole several times over the next few weeks, as do most of the other students. Then one morning, he goes over to use the knothole, and nothing happens. Puzzled and concerned that perhaps he's used up his charges or something, Aldamar runs and tells his teacher of the problem.

The teacher says, "Ah. Must be your turn in the tree, then."

Seemed to fit, given the whole "wriggling through a greased knothole" plot-point, along with the "being crapped on" point, the "accidentally changing the future and screwing yourself" point, and other points that suggest that this adventure is one in which it is, quite frankly, the PCs' turn in the tree.

Wasn't this period supposed to be getting back in touch with the originals?

Yes. Getting the actors back into their roles -- instead of having the actor who plays Timus put on a beard and call himself Mir or something.

But aren't the actors who play Timus and Gryff now stuck playing new characters?

You officially have my permission to whack Geordan with the Call of Cthulhu Core Rulebook the next time he rolls a 1 on the World-Affecting-Roll.

Quotable Notes

Dave: We head back to yadarjin's to return the wand. Byargun says, "hi, dad!"
Party: Gnyaaaaagh.

Salin: I shall call upon the winds and the earth and the leaves and the deer to protect you and prevent the rolling of plot dice while you prepare spells.
Tierney: Yes!
Byargun: Let me use my clicky eraser.

Mike: He IS evil. And I have a pretty good track record against evil.

Mike: Remember the -1, so that's a 32. Did ya still get hit?

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