
Grapple of My Eye

Episode Number: (BF104)
Original Airdate: 5/2002

(Note: This was a special Memorial Day extended-length episode.)

The party enters the room beyond the spider-filled chasm and encounters (and handily dispatches) a few undead dwarves. As Arlemis attempts to untrap an exit door, the group is ambushed from above and behind by monsters with poison vials and a whole bunch of zombies. In the battle, Meer is killed.

After the zombies are destroyed, a new member, Talan, joins the party. They continue to explore the dwarven keep and enter a room filled with piles of dead dwarven bodies, some ugly black tentacles which are very good at grabbing people -- and one very charming naga.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


Gryffid Speaks

The axe is a beautiful thing, is it not?

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