
The BladeSpringer

For the Bladespringer, the patterns of the dance and the tumbling acrobatics of a gymnast can be as lethal as any warrior's attack. The Bladespringer uses her acrobatic grace and lethal movement skills to twirl through her enemies.

Hit Dice: d8

BAB: As Rogue

Saves: Fort, Reflex Good

Weapons: Simple and martial weapon proficiencies

Armor: No new armor or shield proficiencies -- also, none of the Bladespringer's abilities work when she suffers from any Armor Check penalty of -2 or worse.

Skills: 4+Int per level; Balance, Climb, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope,

Requirements: *Spring Attack *8+ ranks in Tumble, Perform *Must have taken the Dash feat, or have some other ability (from monk or barbarian levels) that speeds her movement rate by at least 5'.

Level BAB +F +R +W Special
1 +0 +2 +2 +0 Flurry of Blades, Constant Motion
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 Movement rate +10'
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 Improved Spring Attack (1), Leap of Blades 1/day
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 Moving Tumble
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 Movement rate +20', Dance of Shadows
6 +4 +5 +5 +2 Improved Spring Attack (2), Leap of Blades 2/day
7 +5 +5 +5 +2 Offensive Tumble
8 +6 +6 +6 +2 Movement Rate +30', Dancing Blade
9 +6 +6 +6 +3 Improved Spring Attack (3), Leap of Blades 3/day
10 +7 +7 +7 +3 Moving Whirlwind

Constant Motion(ex): The Bladespringer's defensive training has combined with her tumbling skill to make her harder to hit. She adds one-quarter of her ranks in Tumbling, rounded down, to her armor class as a dodge bonus. This ability only works in situations where the Bladespringer is free to move.

Flurry of Blades(ex): This works like the monk's flurry of blows, except that it may be used with any weapon that the Bladespringer could take Weapon Finesse with -- regardless of whether or not she has actually taken Weapon Finesse with that weapon. This means that a medium-sized Bladespringer could use this ability with a dagger, short sword, rapier, or even a spiked chain. This ability does not stack with two-weapon fighting. The Bladespringer adds her full damage bonus to all attacks.

Improved Spring Attack(ex): The Bladespringer learns to use her tumbling and acrobatics to offensive benefit. She may take more than one melee attack while performing a Spring Attack. At third level, she may attack twice while Spring Attacking. At sixth level, she may attack three times, and at ninth level, she may attack four times. Each attack must be against a different five-foot square -- so a Bladespringer may use this ability only against multiple targets, or against one large target. This ability does not actually give the Bladespringer extra attacks -- it only lets her use some or all of the attacks she would ordinarily have from a full-round attack action while spring-attacking.

Leap of Blades(su): The Bladespringer's Jump distance is no longer limited by her height. Starting at third level, she may embrace the rhythms of her own personal dance and make a great leap. She rolls a Perform check against the distance leaped in feet, and on a success, she vanishes in a streak of silver light and reappears in the new location. If there are obstacles between her, such as a wall of fire or a blade barrier, the DC is +10. She cannot pass through a solid obstacle. If she leaps to attack an opponent, that opponent is considered flat-footed unless he makes a Reflex save (DC=Perform Check), and her leap is considered a charge, allowing her to attack at +2 and take a -2 to her AC for that round.

Moving Tumble(ex): The Bladespringer may tumble while using a Spring Attack. She can tumble any distance up to her normal movement rate. She may also always choose to take ten on a Tumble check. (This assumes that "Reflex save to get an AoO" is in effect)

Dance of Shadows(su): In any environment where there is ambient movement -- a windy forest, a room full of moving silks, etc. -- the Bladespringer may add any ranks she has in Perform to her Hide check, and may Hide in Plain Sight as her movements blend seamlessly into the environment.

Offensive Tumble(ex): If an opponent does not make a Reflex save equal to the Bladespringer's Tumble check -10, that opponent does not get his Dex bonus to AC against the Bladespringer, if any, that round.

Dancing Blade(su): The Bladespringer may release her weapon as a move-equivalent action, and it will continue to fight for her. The weapon stays by her side, attacks from her direction, and does not flank. The blade may dance for a number of rounds equal to the Bladespringer's level.

Moving Whirlwind(ex): The Bladespringer may move her full movement rate, tumbling to avoid attacks of opportunity, and make one attack at her full base attack bonus against anyone she can reach.

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