Redirected from: Bridge Over Monstrous Spiders
Episode Number: (BF103)
Original Airdate: 5/2002
This is episode three of Blade and Fist.
The party seeks out Thalax with Gorfun, Oga's prospective hill giant boyfriend, in tow. They encounter six fire giants who are guarding the entrance to Thalax's area. After some (decidedly non-witty) banter and some rock tossing, the adventurers slay all six giants and proceed inside, where they cross bridge over a vast chasm infested with giant spiders... and goblins.
Plot Points
- Kasden and Krim accompany the party into Thalax's area, but Kasden is paralyzed by the spiders. Krim hauls Kasden off heal him.
- The party has found an area in the caves where magic is active again.
Unanswered Questions
- How does Meer's crossbow survive being dropped on the ground so frequently?
- What are goblins doing down here?
- Meer is not a close-range fighter when the enemies are fire giants.
- Gryffid is not a long-range fighter when the enemies are fire giants.
- Oga may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but when she starts swinging that guisarme, you better start giving her the respect she deserves.
What I signed up for:
- Giant-smashing
- Displays of fortitude
What I didn't sign up for:
Still, it's not going too badly so far. Though I wish that spider
hadn't bitten me.
Hey, Meer, do you have anything to say about your tactics during
the fire giant fight?
To answer the unanswered questions:
- The crossbow must have been built by real craftspeople. Now if Meer would actually use it...
- (*splat*) You mean, what were the goblins doing down here.
There's something wrong with these goblins. They actually take effort to kill.
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