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Duel Nature

Episode Number: (TG509)
Original Airdate: 1/2003

After Tierney fast talks Dwarfbane into postponing his duel with Gryff until the morning, Tim disguises himself as an old wizard and gets himself hired as DB's official duel wizard, to make sure the other side (Gryff) has no magic, and to overlook any that he might have. Later, Arly and Tim hunt down the sniper that had been harrying Arly, kill him, and take his loot. The next morning, the duel is restarted, and a lot of wackiness ensues. Gryff is declared the winner when Dwarfbane forfeits in the face of cheating (even though he didn't actually cheat... but he intended to).

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


Notable Quotes

Dwarfbane: Actually, could you make my axe, um, less slippery? I've been kicking it down the street all this time...

Colin (casting Cure Light Wounds on Gryff): *shping!* *shping!* *shping!* *shping!* ... God, I wish I were a priest.

Tim (casting Detect Thoughts): Now. You had some other weapons?
Dwarfbane: Pardon me while I make a Will Save.

Local Tough: You played with my mind. I'm going to dedicate my life and train in the martial arts so that I can come back and... oh, you've got a minotaur. Never mind.

Gryffid Speaks

I knew I couldn't trust that har'gra. He tried to cheat about three times, and he's way damn lucky that I did not smite him before the whole thing started. Were I officiating, I woulda declared him the loser before the first blow was struck.

It is fitting that he is deprived of some of his possessions. Perhaps he will have some time to reflect on his conduct.

Though this note troubles me. Not so much for what it says, as who said it. Something's rotten in the Kingsteeth.

Tony Speaks

I HATE MY DICE. Had Gryffid rolled merely average the duel would not have gotten nearly as screwy. But no. I had to get a boatload of 2's and 3's.

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