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Episode Number: (GH101)
Original Airdate: 11/2001
Note: The first episode of a new adventure taking place in the TwinGate universe.
In the tired little town of GodsHome, Gorim, Johnny, and Ovak come together when the town is threatened by raiders. Discovering a small army of goblins and ogres, the party sneaks past to get to a nearby dwarven settlement and ask for help -- but the dwarven response is not what they had expected.
Watch For:
- Velk the drunk pitching off the side of a cliff
- Ovak picking multiple people up by their heads
Treasure Watch:
- This really isn't a treasure-centric campaign. Characters started with roughly have their normal wealth, and were told that anything flashy would have been stolen or sold by now.
Player Characters:
- Gorim the warrior is trustworthy, loyal, and dumber'n a bag o'hammers. But he knows people.
- Ovak the (randomly-generated) half-orc sorceress is friendly, good-looking for a half-orc, and ties ribbons and bows in her fur.
- Johnny Throckbottom, the gnomish priest of the Coward, is smart, wise, fast, and really bent on self-preservation. He also may be the great-great-grandson of Jimmy Throckbottom. If so, he is really defensive and unhappy about it.
- The Cleggs are the town muscle -- somewhere between guards and extortionists, the Cleggs are large, loud, and stupid. They consider the town theirs for the plucking, but that gives rise to a certain level of protection, too. Known Cleggs: Brawny, Bulky, PED (Performance Enhancing Drugs), Punchy, Scraggly, Crunchy, and the Clegg Sister/Cousin, Butch, who shaves.
- Velk, the town drunk. In GodsHome, many compete for this coveted position, and it is a mark of Velk's ability that he has been able to hold onto the title for so long.
- Mirk, the half-orc scout, who apparently harbors deep and unvoiced feelings for Ovak. Prone to singing "mirk-ized" versions of old Eagles songs to himself.
Plot Points:
- The dwarves as much as admitted that the goblin army was headed their way, and that they redirected the army with a show of force, sending it toward Godshome.
- The gnomish name for the Coward is Osp-gatbof (osgaboff). Coincidentally, in common, this could be short for, "Oh shit, please go after the big ones first!"
- The Coward's holy literature is a coffee-table book entitled, "1001 Things to Run Away From"
- Velk has leaped off cliffs and walked through boiling sulferous water and steam vents without flinching. He also carries a holy symbol of the Cataclysm
- Har'gra is dwarven for "non-dwarf". It is a derogatory term equivalent to a racial slur. Har'gra'karae is a softer term that implies a friendlier relationship.
Unanswered Questions:
- Is Velk really a priest?
- Who is the human leading the goblin/ogre army?
- Is Butch Clegg really XX, or does she have an extra chromosome floating around in there?
DMP Speaks:
Not much combat in this episode. But a great chance to get another look at the world, a different perspective.
What about the main party and Rilt and all that shit? Man!
Yes. This is a spinoff.
But the big finale was supposed to be on that night!
It got pre-empted.
But nobody here has a flaming sword!
Here's the thing. You've been seeing the TwinGate world through the eyes of these blessed people -- scions, forces of destiny, great and powerful icons of prophecy who are going to shape the world. That tends to give one a somewhat biased perspective.
Now, in GodsHome, it ain't like that. Gorim and Johnny and Ovak aren't the children of gods or dragons or fallen celestials. They're just folks trying to get by.
And in a way, that makes them more human than the others...
Notable Quotes
Mirk: Mirk not do homonyms.
Lea: You know how strippers have those things (makes the motion of putting on pasties)? Well, she's basically braided her chest hair...
Colin: I did not want that imagery...
Patrick: Come, Kiff, I'll count the treasure while you clean the green slime ichor off my masterwork jock strap!
Geordan: Jessica Ebay's Secondhand Shoppe?
Colin, on the miniatures: Our drunk is a hooded guy with a sword.
[Upon seeing that Velk somehow survived his plummetation from the cliff, the party expresses skepticism]
Patrick: Well, you've done the same thing. You just used rope, and saving throws.
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