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Episode Number: (TG316)
Original Airdate: 11/2001

The party rests and recovers from their ordeal... except for Tierney and Arlemis, who wander off and end up at the water challenge. A flock of fey and a creature that Tierney finds oddly familiar ends up being a diplomatic confrontation, rather than a combat. They return with the water talisman, some treasure, and a gold-skinned elf named Aldea. After a morning getting acquainted with the elf, the party heads off, accidentally fires up some kind of big nasty construct, runs away and gets a cave-in behind them, and reaches the Earth challenge, where they proceed to knock the snot out of Trrkl.

Watch For:

Treasure Watch:

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


So apparently Aldea saw Simon talking to someone who sounded like Rilt, and then Simon saw her and captured her and lobbed her into the dungeon with some other poor saps. What the hell does that mean? Are Simon and Rilt working together? Is Rilt actually Reltajoon, the madman in charge of this dungeon?

Badness. Great badness.

But they did get to kill Trrkl.

DMP Speaks:

So yeah, three down, one to go. We're jazzed. I think we're all ready to get out of the dungeon. It ought to be awhile before the party comes whining to me with, "We want a dungeon hack, where all we have to do is kill stuff!" again.

As for Aldea... she'll be an interesting addition. If she stays with the party, great. If the actress gets bored and would rather just be a dedicated viewer, there are always boulders that fall out of the sky.

And yes, since Patrick got a job and passed his sparring test and got successfully moved, and since the party only has one talisman left, I believe that we are safely in "Magical Items Raining From the Sky"-mode. And if stuff gets too overpowered, I'll just add more lava. Or steal their stuff. You know, whatever. It's all good.

Gryffid Speaks:

To answer the first unanswered question, I'm not sure. Aldea can't seem to talk in a straight line. Must be all that book-learning. Either that or an Elf thing.

Aldea points out that she's had a rough time for the last 150 years or so, and that the dwarven inclination towards laconity is more than occasionally not terribly advantageous, leading as it does to a very circumscribed view of the WorldRose and its myriad implications. It is simply not her fault if he can't follow a simple explanation.

To answer the second unanswered question, again I'm not sure. But if it involves brute force, I'm there.

Arlemis Speaks:

Why doesn't anything we kill stay dead? Okay, so maybe we didn't kill Trrkl per se, but first Brel comes back and now Rilt...

Tim points out that our enemies probably feel the same way about us.

Aldamar Speaks (in a very small voice):

Yes. Make them dead. All of them. Permanently. Please! NOW!

Notable Quotes

Devon: Aldamar is a vegetarian. He doesn't fart.

Patrick: Leny starts taking off her armor...
(Geordan and Dave start singing "The Stripper")
Patrick: ...revealing her padded tunic underneath. She changes into the BladeArmor.

Devon: What's a thoqqua?
Geordan: It's a cigar on fire.
Patrick: It's a giant flaming dildo.

Devon: Guess what...I'm summoning flaming dildos.
Patrick: Another Friday for Aldamar.
Geordan: They're not just dildos, they're flaming.
Colin: Resist Fire, then summon flaming dildos.

Devon: Could you stop making jokes at Aldamar's expense? I mean, really.

Tony: I will not think of crude uses for Control Winds. I will not think of crude uses for Control Winds.
Lea: Marilyn Monroe?
Tony: No no no. Far cruder.
Devon: Well, I already have Greater Magic Ass...

(Devon plays Tekken Tag Tournament. "Anna" is on the screen.)
Devon: I can forgive her bad outfits.
Tony & Geordan: (simultaneously) I can't.

Aldea: Why Tierney! Those are mighty nice bracers of armor you have!

Tony: So who gets to wake up with the odd woman next to them?
Colin: I have a charisma of 20...

Arlemis: I found this rod, and this cloak. Perhaps you should shping them.

Leny: We're going to kill the guy who makes the undead and send his soul to peace. Charisma 16...? (blinks innocently)
Aldamar: ...
Leny: How cool is that?

Devon: ...shapeshifting into a warhorse...whoa. Leny's going to ride Aldamar.
Patrick: Bareback.

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