
Simon Blackhart of Ironpass

Nickname: Oh, Crap, it's him again.

Race: Human

Occupation: Member of IronPass Triumvirate

Worships: BlackPillar

Encountered: Worg and Peace

Played by: PatrickWeekes

Simon is one of the more powerful wizards encountered so far in the game. He is a high-ranking member of the theocratic rulers of IronPass, a BlackPillar city. While initially appearing to help the party, or at least co-exist with the party comfortably, he turned on Gryffid in Children (and paladins) of a Much Lesser God and gave damning testimony.

In Season Three, Simon sent the party on a mission to save IronPass from an undead attack by destroying a powerful magical item in a nearby dungeon. He also helpfully locked the doors behind the party with a ward that could not be dispelled until the artifact is destroyed. Although prevented from killing the party upon their escape and theoretically weakened, he still had enough power and influence to steal the HammerOfFyran and convince Leny to turn away from her paladinic path. That party has strong feelings about this.

Simon is Lawful Evil, apparently without mercy or remorse but honorable in what he does. His history is somewhat murky, but he is known to have a wife, and he was somehow able to procure a holy symbol of the SkyQueen for Leny. He was once one of the three on the Black Pillar Triumvirate (the arcane magic representative, symbolized by a black wand with red flames crackling around it), but lost his standing in the Black Pillar hierarchy when he was linked to the CryptLord at the end of Season Four.

Simon (rather spectacularly) died in "Deadline" when he attempted to inform the party of the existence of the Ta'bar'pur. After a long absence, he returned in "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," albeit stripped of his spellcasting abilities. He aided the party with information and items, and informed them of an imminent Black Pillar assault on Twingate.

In "Stalemate," Simon (along with Karilon, Krieg, and Emcee) staged a coup d'etat in Ironpass and wrested leadership from the (in Simon's view) corrupt Black Pillar Triumvirate. Simon has since continued to gain favor with the party by supplying them with information, items, and safe harbor in Ironpass.

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