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Children (and paladins) of a Much Lesser God

Episode Number: (TG205)
Original Airdate: 5/2001

The first witnesses are called, including a dwarf Gryff met between adventures, Simon of Ironpass, and a surprise from the party's past. Gryff is freed, and then all hell breaks loose with attacks in the street by another assassin.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Gryffid may be no more xenophobic than any dwarf in this world. But he's being cast in a bad light, and the jury appears to be against him. The party has uncovered a few possible leads among the witnesses slotted to be called tomorrow. Those witnesses include the hotel keeper where the murder occured, a man who owns a glass shop, and the town drunk.

(7/2001) This marks the first appearance of Emcee Hartsdotter.

DMP Speaks:

Gryff is a racist

Not necessarily. Gryff is a dwarf. The dwarven mindset is inherently racist. The line that has to be drawn is when it stops being racism of thought and translates to action. Gryff isn't entirely sure what went on that night himself, and the best he can say is that he doesn't think he did it. But if he walked to that room and saw a dwarf fighting a non-dwarf, he'd have no problem making that decision.

They wouldn't just let Gryff go.

He gets extremely sick and dies if he leaves town. And given that he was nearly killed in his cell, it would be a little too overtly corrupt to just let him rot in there. Plus, the actor was going crazy stuck in there. It wasn't fair to him.

On the reappearance of Lome

It was a lot of fun to get him back, even just briefly. We both agree that his character would have eventually gone in the direction of realizing that he isn't right about everything. That would have been a tragedy, or a dramatic event, at the very least. Without the influence of the party, though, Lome has sort of slipped into his own delusions and is now in Lome-land. And in Lome-land, anyone who isn't Lome is going to look bad.

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