
Krieg, Commander of the BorderMen

Nickname: Oakface

Race: Half-orc (half-ogre)

Occupation: Commander of the TwinGate BorderMen

Worships: BrightBlade (?)

Krieg is comander of the TwinGate BorderMen, the peacekeeping force that is primarily active in the GoldenWood and DemonWood towns. He is one of the few half-orcs in positions of authority.

He's called Oakface mainly because of his looks and his attitude, neither of which are particularly endearing. For all that, he is known for having a cool head in an argument, and for being a lot smarter than he lets on. He is a fighter by trade -- most definitely not a barbarian.

Anyone who has spent a long time in TwinGate (any of the original party, anyone who has been there more than a few months) is likely aware of a minor scandal. In the heat of a nasty battle with a group of ogres and goblins, one of Krieg's lieutenants reported that the commander uttered a prayer to the Savage. While not technically against the law, public praying to such a dark and destructive deity would have seriously hurt Krieg's chances of keeping his position.

Karilon, Southwestern Gate Commander, who is responsible for the BorderMen, issued a statement of support for Krieg, and the lieutenant in question was later revealed to be out for Krieg's position. However, Krieg has never publicly denied praying to the Savage.

Krieg is known to use a longsword and shield with extreme proficiency.

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