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Episode Number: (TG511)
Original Airdate: 1/2003
Sailbranch (whose name we still don't know how to spell) suddenly turns on
the party -- against Arlemis in particular -- and a full scale dragon
battle begins. Other dragons join the fray and help drive off Sailbranch.
Meanwhile, Tierney, Sendant, and Kazek get to the bottom of the murder in
the Tashir Temple, and uncover a disturbing conspiracy.
Watch For:
- Geordan rolling (another) 1 on his Reflex Save... and not getting his buckler destroyed.
- An NPC beating Tierney's Sense Motive check.
- Timus (ab)using Polymorph Other to heal 82 points of damage in 3 rounds.
Plot Points
- Arly recognized that Sailbranch was touched by the Ta'bar'pur.
- Sailbranch recognized that Arly was a Ta'bar'pur slayer.
- Sailbranch appears to have been controlled by the Ta'bar'pur in some way.
- The other dragons seem to be aware of the Ta'bar'pur threat.
- Nyralla noted that the Teleportation trap is probably no longer active.
- Someone tried to implicate Catan by turning Tierney into stone.
- The salamander-like monk (add name, please) was behind the murder at the Temple. He was also keeping detailed notes and drawings of the Chime of Ages.
- Also found in the monk's room was an amulet just like the one in Arly's possession.
- Catan recognized the design on the amulet as being the symbol of what the monks are training to fight.
Unanswered Questions
- How did Sailbranch know what Arly was?
- Who controlled him in the first place?
- Where did Sailbranch go?
- Where did the monk go?
- What information about the Chime of Ages was the monk hoping to obtain?
- Dragons, when they need to, can fly fast. Very, very fast. About 200 mph fast.
- Being turned to stone in the middle of the night next to a cleric isn't too bad, as it makes it pretty clear what spells the cleric will prepare when he wakes up.
- The lizard-monk may have committed the murder in order to sow chaos and cast Tierney in an unfavorable light.
Doesn't Arly have a really good Reflex Save?
Yes. Fat lot of good it will do you when you always roll 1's, though. This is, what, the third time it's happened?
I was hoping the Griffon would be more impressive. That...really hurt. (Getting hit for 82 points of damage in one cone of lightning.) Wait a sec... how the hell does lightning go in a cone? Bah.
Notable Quotes
Mike (as Geordan sets up miniatures for the imminent dragon fight): Don't
even reach for my model.
Mike: Did you say "Cantrip: Urinate?"
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