
Illithid Behavior

Episode Number: (TG312)
Original Airdate: 10/2001

With Tierney still Somewhere else, the party makes its way through the earthen labyrinth. A secret door triggers a trap that freezes Arlemis and summons a group of mind flayers. During the battle, Gryff is charmed and floors Leny, among other things. Fortunately, the mind flayers die and no one's brains get eaten. The party then continues onward, searching for Tierney. Arlemis gets enchanted by a confusion trap. The party finishes the session at a clockwork room, a completely metal room filled with moving gears and pistons and panels.

Treasure Watch:

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Gryff's behavior is definitely odd. He's being even more unfriendly than usual. He seems to actively dislike Tim at the moment.

The party has also found the harp that Lilly asked for, or so it would appear.

DMP Speaks:

Arly should have gotten a sneak attack on Leny when he surprise-attacked her.

Well, um, possibly. But sneak-attacking implies a degree of precision that a confused person might not have.

And it would have killed Leny, which is rarely good. As it is, she took friendly fire three times this episode, and is really on guard against any further enchantments by her friends. She might purchase a magical sap with the Quick Draw ability when she gets home.

Gryffid Speaks:

Where the hell did you learn that trip-and-smash trick?

Seing as my foes seem to have no reservations about fighting dirty -- especially those dog-things from a while ago -- I figured I'd try to give them some of their own medicine. Boy, did those Illithids ever open wide and swallow it whole.

Besides, there's something about this mace that those Illithids really didn't like.


Oh, that's an old trick I've had up my sleeve for a long time. You've probably seen it before. It's not my fault that they all stood in shock as they watched their friends get flattened.

On your own comrades?

Oh. Um. That. Er...

On Leny, when she was already fairly well hosed?

Um, I don't want to talk about that.

And what's with the accusation against Timus?

You know, sorcerers are shifty sorts who are, on the whole, rather untrustworthy. I really wish you would stop asking me questions.

Could you put that mace down? Please?



This interrogation is over.

Timus Speaks:

OK, answering the unanswered questions, in order:

Notable Quotes

(Leny, in spiked armor, tries to tackle Gryff)
Tony: But Gryff has spikey armor too!
Patrick: It's like kissing with braces!

Geordan: Smite...oh, he's good. Smite Naughty!

Patrick: Aren't bows illegal for you?
Devon: Not this one, baby.
Patrick: Isn't saying "baby" illegal for you?

Leny: Tierney's in trouble. I'm willing to risk you being turned into a fish.
Arlemis: (coldly) Thank you, Leny.
Leny: I meant that nicer than it sounded.

Obtained from TooMUSH, a place where Tony hangs out on line. "Karin" is a pseudonym.

You say "KICK ASS. One round: dwarf with axe escapes one mind 
    flayer, trips it, kills it, trips and kills another one, and
    damages a third. :-)"
Karin wows. cool
Karin thinks it sounds like you had a nice trip.

(drum fill)

Questions (as long as they're not about Gryffid)? Comments? Jump on in!

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