
Everything Goes to Hell

Episode Number: (TG319)
Original Airdate: 12/2001

A whole lot more big nasty combat. The flying lightning-chucking blinding dude gets fried. Brel takes out a few party members, and then gets sent to hell when Timus critically fails in his attempt to deactivate the tasan. In the same blast of light, Aldea is poisoned and Sendant is petrified. Timus only survives because of his birthday save. Reltajoon casts some more big nasty spells, and the party finally gets to fight him in combat. When the episode ends, most of the party is at a distance trying to wear Rilt down, since they can't approach past his repulsion barrier.

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Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


DMP Speaks:

Reeeeeeeeeally wanted to finish the battle in this episode. But it ran just a teeeeeeensy bit long, so we'll have to add a little filler to have next episode be a real full episode and not intrude into the episode after that, which is meant to be a stand-alone.

Gryffid Speaks:

Throwing rocks isn't horribly effective.

Let me put you in my shoes for a moment. (Ignore the undead-slime on them for the time being.) You just crawled out from under a bunch of whirling blades, you're not wearing the armor you'd like to be wearing, and you consider yourself lucky to have recovered any equipment at all. You have your helmet, axe, and shield, and enough clothing to keep the censors (grudgingly) happy. You want to kick the living børk out of that undead thingy over there that's been slinging fire and death spells like nobody's business.

And something in the back of your mind says, "No. You cannot pass that way." You try to move your legs in that direction, but they agree with that thing in the back of your mind. You can't bring yourself to approach the object of your hatred, even when you are well-armed. It's probably some stupid spell or something.

So you fall back to where you feel comfortable (a relative term, I may add). And you realize you have no missile weapons except what is around you. Your friend with the bow says he has only one, and he's using it at the moment. You remember that you gave your one bow away to that funny-looking uber-intellectual elf chick because you thought she might actually want to defend herself. (You're lucky she hasn't shot you in the back.)

So you throw rocks, knowing that the most they'll do at that distance is attract attention, but not really inflict any damage.

Given that a giant cat and a flying glowing paladin were keeping Mr Undead busy, and given that I hate being ineffective in battle almost as much as I hate being incapacitated, it seemed to be the only reasonable course of action.

Further questions may be directed to the business end of my axe.

Timus speaks:

OK, just to recap, here's what the observant observer might have seen: a fireball streaks from somewhere near the entryway to hit the floating lightning-bolt hurling bastard from the outer planes. Then 3 more. He pops. Relt seems to cast some sort of spell which most of those standing near the door shrug off. A grunt of annoyance comes from somewhere above the doorway. A few moments later, a colorful spray of lights shines from that general direction: Sendant is turned to stone, Aldea falls victim to poison, and you can just make out a crackling, glowing, rather unhappy outline. Time passes. Some rubble on one end of the room is disturbed. Cursing is heard, first from near the rubble pile, then from Relt, then from Relt, then from Relt. Nothing has happened, as far as you can tell, to cause said cursing. Leny, previously motionless, seems to unfreeze, and dashes bravely towards Relt. Rays of icy goodness streak towards Relt. Nothing happens. A fireball explodes in his general vicinity, causing him to grunt in minor annoyance.

Much more exciting things are happening elsewhere.

There's nothing to see here. Move along.

Notable Quotes:

Patrick: It's a summoned celestial creature, it's fine...
Geordan: (pleading) It's a flaming dildo!
Patrick: Well...

Patrick: Ordinarily, as dungeon master, I'd be arbitrarily inflicting my will up on people...
Tony: Maybe next time you'll run Paranoia.

Lea: Given that Gryff is naked, [the monster] could hit any critical area it likes!
Patrick: I don't want to hear Tony speaking in falsetto for the rest of the evening.
Lea: There are advantages to being the only girl here.

Lea: Didn't you turn into a tiger?
Devon: Not yet.
Patrick: Show 'em what you can do.

Lea: Naked dwarves are Vermin, right?

(The nasty flying skin thing has taken Gryff down)
Aldamar: Produce flame!
Patrick: (cute, harmless voice) But this is a harmless symbiosis! We are merging into one beautiful life form!

Reltajoon: BURN IN THE ETERNAL FLAMES OF...(spell fizzles)...wait a minute.
Arlemis: Were you trying to cast a spell?
Reltajoon: (dejected) I just burned a 7th level spell on you...

Sendant: This is me. This is Brel. This is your brain on drugs. This is Aldea.

Reltajoon: EXPLORE THE ETERNAL MYSTERY THAT IS THE FLAMES OF MY...(spell fizzles)...hey, wait.
Tierney: Wait wait wait. Now I'm ready.

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