
Whatever Happened to Mr. Thornbane?

Episode Number: (TG501)
Original Airdate: 10/2002

Arlemis, Gryff, Timus, and Tierney's mysteriously animated body bring Sendant's decidedly non-animated body to the local Temple of the Bright Blade. There, they meet up with Greymalkin and ask one of the temple elders to locate Sendant's lost soul. While the (day-long) find-Sendant's-soul ritual is being performed, the party wanders the town and is met by Kazek, a minotaur from the Jade Plains, who is also seeking Sendant. The next day, armed with Sendant's location and some items from Yadarjin, the group plane shifts into a bizarre new world.

Production Note

Karin was kind enough to carve a special jack-o-lantern for the evening's episode. It looks especially scary in the dark. It was a spectator for the rest of the evening.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


Notable Quotes

Kazek (suspiciously): Are you a thief by trade?
"Tierney": Mostly I just kill things.
Kazek (suddenly brightening): ...Me too!

Arly and Kazek enter Millie's. The bar hushes.
Arly: Hi, everyone!
Kazek: I would like four women.

Kazek (sniffing the air in Millie's): There is mating here.

Colin: Most people are nice and friendly if you talk to them.
Dave: I cast Shield.

Dave (while in another plane): I cast Expedient Field.
Patrick (head in hands): Roll 2d100.
Dave rolls.
Patrick: Gehenna.

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