Episode Number: (TG515)
Original Airdate: 2/2003
The battle with the Pit Fiend and its minions rages on in this special extended-length President's Day special episode. At the end of the episode, a number of the Bright Blade clerics, along with Kazek, are dead, while Gryff lays dying at the feet of the invisible Pit Fiend.
Ow. Ouchie owie ow. Boy, I thought I had a better sense of balance than that. So at the end of it all, I'm near death, standing over a pit writhing with the fires of hell, powerless should the Pit Fiend draw near. Right. Let's hope whatever this basket thing at my feet is can save us.
Colin: I'm NOT the closest person to the Pit Fiend, okay? I'm not!
(Everyone looks at the board.)
Colin: ...What's my Bluff?
Colin: [The fiendish dire displacer beast] has a clear line to charge the Fiend.
Pat: Why don't you charm him?
Colin: Okay.
Pat: ...Wait... don't...
Dave (a la the Got Milk commercial): A nu ri puhhh!
Pat: The fire giant fumbles through a pile of gold and gems...
Geordan: Gold and gems?
Colin: I smell something.
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