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Episode Number: (TG414)
Original Airdate: 8/2002
The party recoagulates, and rather than splitting up, decide to handle Groth the Vengeful as well as Sendant's warehouse quest very quickly. They head to the Starlight Cafe and, after some initial misadventures, whack an evil outsider, and then head over to the warehouse. Where wackiness ensues. At the end, Will saves about, and a change is in the air.
Plot Points
- The average inn has more than 1 evil person in it.
- There's some sort of TBP spawn that can generate an antimagic field in the inn.
- Holy Greatswords of Speed should really be regulated in terms of how often the PCs get them...
- AC 30 is still respectably up there, and most of the party has trouble hitting it.
- Tim and Arly are now statuesque as a result of poor saves against a petrification-breathing brass dragon the size of a housecat.
- The people behind the constructs have a room set up like Sendant's old home.
Unanswered Questions
- What's up with the rooms?
- Does anyone have a Stone to Flesh scoll or two lying around?
- How dangerous could a Pseudodragon with Monte Cook's Construct Template and Petrifying Breath possibly be?
- That Erinyes wasn't a PLOT monster, was she?
- Why did Gryffid not seem to remember that Tim was in the party?
- Sendant has been much more generous with the whoopass lately. He went right into combat mode and delivered 80 points damage to an Erinyes with powerful illusions, deadly enchantments, devious plans, and 33 hit points.
DMP Speaks
No, it's not a writing error. Gryff really implied that he doesn't know who Timus is. Hence the "To Be Continued" sign at the end of the episode.
As for the Erinyes, yeah, we had some great dialogue planned, she was a wicked conversationalist, a smooth negotiator, and had some devious long-term plans for the PCs. On the other hand, 80 points of damage in one round really cuts through the crap.
And people are high level now. Sendant can raise the dead multiple times per day. Petrifying people is not a big deal. It's time for the party to deal with enemies who are taking off the gloves.
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