
The Wyvern Riders, one band of which the party encountered in Season Two. See CompleteListing for more details.

The Wyvernin are active in the EastKingsTeeth, where they make raids into the JadePlains and upon halfling and gnomish settlements in the area. They either have defenses against draconic interference, or a pact of some sort -- otherwise, the amount of damage the wyverns do to the environment would be such that any dragon nearby would act to protect its own food supply.

Life among the Wyvernin is hard and unforgiving. They do not tolerate failure or weakness, and duels to determine authority are common. They are immune to wyvern venom themselves, but they coat their weapons with it to use in combat or when hunting. Any Wyvernin encountered will most likely be superb human specimens, given that anyone less than superb will have been killed by adulthood.

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