
The Jade Plains

The JadePlains are home to the Riders, a nation of nomadic people, mostly human, who use giant insects as mounts. The JadePlains are mostly dry scrubland, closer to being green plains in some areas and closer to being wasteland in others. It is cold enough to get a fair amount of snow in the winter, and has little in the way of wooded areas -- a few sparse trees here and there.

The JadePlains are an unforgiving place, and home to an unforgiving people. Goblins and giants stick to the EastKingsTeeth and WestKingsTeeth, or to BlackToothForest, for the most part. The WyvernRiders raid down in the JadePlains occasionally, more out of hatred than any real benefit. For the most part, the Riders want to be left alone to hunt, and for the most part they are.

The RainCatchers and the TwistedRoot druidic orders are both active in the JadePlains.

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