
The Twisted Root

The TwistedRoot embodies nature at its most savage. They disdain treaties with towns and civilizations, although they will only rarely break a treaty that another druid has negotiated. Most of their arguments are based in the belief that societies will destroy nature unless nature is strong enough to destroy them first, or at least terrify them into submission. While harsh, it is proven that territories guarded by the TwistedRoot have not been despoiled by towns. In that, at least, they have proven to be powerful protectors of the forest. They are harsh and unyielding, but not irrational or insane. They tend toward evil, and rarely have good members.

Current leader: Yrrkal, an annis (a form of hag), who leads the Twisted Root by right of arms. The society, while evil, has discipline of a sort, and hold to their order as much as the Sepal do, though with more backbiting and behind-the-scenes politics.

Active in: The DemonWood towns, the JadePlains, and the WestKingsTeeth

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