
The Druidic Societies

Note: Classified

This information, while not exactly secret, is probably not known by the average player unless they know they know it. Tread lightly.

Druidic society in the Twingate area can be more complex than it seems. Unlike politics, where opposing groups can fight each other openly and perhaps even obliterate the enemy, druidic societies are tied to balance, and to the egalitarian aspect of nature. While good and evil druids might fight each other on individual matters or quests, they are absolutely required to respect the other group in matters of overall concern.

Individual Groups

These groups form a subset of the overall druidic society. Each group has hidden gestures and code signals to greet a member in public. Some druids choose to make their allegiance known plainly, while others hide their group unless absolutely necessary. It is considered extremely gauche to let outsiders know about the internal societies -- though a forest is full of individual trees fighting each other for the sunlight, to a traveler it appears to be one entity. If it did not, if it were seen as simply a number of individual trees, then the respect and healthy fear that the forest invoked would be lessened, and travelers might decide to cut down the forest to make things easier.

Druids and Rangers

Druids get along well with rangers, as is to be expected. As paladins are warrior representatives of their church, rangers are warrior representatives of nature. They are as such allowed to see more of druidic life than others. It is permissible to teach them the druidic language, although they do not automatically learn it as part of their teaching, and while they are never considered to be equal members, exceptional members may be invited to join societies. They are respected as warriors, but are expected to help the druids in their times of need as well. Some rangers take to this organization as much as they can, and become respected voices, an alternative point of view that is often helpful. Other rangers are less interested and simply co-exist in the wilderness with the druids. It is rare to have a ranger who actively opposes all druids, although opposing invididual druids due to different ethical stances is much more common.

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