
The RainCatchers

The RainCatchers are rarely if ever knowingly seen by civilized folk. While not antagonistic to civilized lands, they have little love for cities, and for those who dwell in them. They argue against treaties for the most part, believing that an enforced, unnatural balance will only turn against all in the end, as it did for the Sepal. Their ideal situation would be a nature that is benign with those who respect it and pay attention to its needs, but that deals swiftly with any threat. They tend toward chaos, and do not get on well with the CouncilOfThorns. Their one main inroad into civilization is their bardic tradition -- many of the RainCatchers are bards as well, and use the power of their songs to teach people respect for the forest. Elves, druidic fey, and some of the savage humanoid druids tend toward the RainCatchers society.

Current leader: Unknown. The Raincatchers do not have enough of a formal organization for a real leader to be evident.

Active in: BlackToothForest, JadePlains, the BlastedLands.

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