
The YoungerSister

(aka the HeartCatcher, Caprice)

Chaotic Good

The Younger of the FairSisters is the Goddess of Love. She is most popular with the young of most races, although there are few who would scorn her outright. While she is a good goddess, she is true to her sphere. Love can be painful sometimes, and she is the goddess of false, destructive love as well as true love -- though she attempts to guide people towards the latter.

Priests of the Younger Sister make excellent diplomats, for they prefer talk and compromise to violence. Priests are not required to marry, and will not necessarily have a bevy of romantic conquests, but they are not permitted to remain at arm's length from emotion. At will, a priest of the Younger Sister may make a prediction related to love, romance, or relationships. The average DC for this check is 16, and the check uses the Wis and Cha modifiers. The prediction can help the priest tell the petitioner whether he should tell someone how he feels, whether a love is true, whether he is going to meet his true love, and so forth. The priest is forbidden to charge a fee for this service. Also, the priest must act for the benefit of love and lovers -- if this means allowing a prince to marry a commoner when he is already betrothed to a princess from anothe country, so be it.


Good, Chaos, Luck, Trickery.

Favored Weapon

Flail (any)

Iconic Symbol

Two figures embracing

Appears as

A young, attractive female


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