
Digital Art

Wonder Fungi Animations
Flash games and animations and a couple animated gifs.

Kirby the cat, curled up and sleeping Pictures
Images created on the computer using a variety of programs, including Adobe PhotoShop 3 - 5, MetaCreations Painter 6, and Adobe Illustrator.

Moonrise over the ocean PC Paint / Paintbrush
Images created on the computer using PC Paint(under MS-DOS) and Paintbrush (under Windows 3.0).

Physical Art

Pencil sketch of Dave's head Drawings
Charcoal, pastel, oil pastel, pencil, colored pencil, and pen-and-ink drawings I have made.

Couple holding hands walking on the beach at sunset Paintings
Acrylic and watercolor paintings I have done for class and for recreation.

Stained glass lighthouse with sunlight streaming through Other Art
This includes stained glass, counted cross stitch, painted pewter/zinc figurines, and anything else that didn't fit into one of the other categories.

Horse in Magic Markers, against a crayon sky Childhood Artwork
Artwork done in elementary school and onward. Amuse yourself by laughing at my early attempts at artwork. Go ahead. You know you want to.


Kirby and Cammy sitting on the cedar chest Pets
Some of our best and favorite pictures of our plethora of fuzzies. You can find out more about our pets in the fuzzies section.

Head shot of Dawn's father People
Some of the actually good shots of people that we managed to take (or good shots of us that someone else managed to take). These are mostly friends and family.

Lone tree in an empty field Landscapes
The best landscape shots we have taken in California and Maine.

Archive of Old Work

These items are old. Like really, really old. I keep them around for their sentimental value. I have not reworked them to display well on modern (mobile) devices, because, well, they're old and have little relevance. Desktop or laptop browsing is recommended.

Web Widgets
These are some of the handy little utilities I have written in JavaScript.

Web Site Projects
These are past web site projects that I have worked on for my previous employer and on my own time.

College Stuff
Web pages and projects done while in college at UC Berkeley, as well as my course schedules and descriptions by semester.