This drawing was done for Aileen Burkett, who wanted a picture of all five of her dogs together. Clockwise from the top center they are Boomer, Sluggo, Digger, Sultan, and Lady. (18"x24")

This pastel drawing was one of 4 pictures done as the final project for an art class in college. The project explored drawing in color versus black-and-white. (20"x21.5")

This charcoal drawing was the second of 4 pictures done as the final project for an art class in college. The project explored drawing in color versus black-and-white. (20"x21.5")

This pastel drawing was a personal project, drawn from a photo that just really inspired me. (18"x24")

This was done in pastels for my first college art class, in memory of my cat Patches, who had recently gone over the rainbow bridge. (18"x24")

This was done with pastels for a high-school art class. I think the assignment involved creating a composition from pictures taken from magazines. (18"x24")

I drew this with pastels as a gift for my good friend Tricia Dikes, but it came out so well that I had to make a photocopy to keep for myself. (11"x14")

This was done for a class. The four tigers are in four different media (clockwise from upper-left): pen and ink, colored pencil, charcoal, oil pastel. (16.5"x28")

This was another class assignment, done in pencil from a very bad photocopy provided in class. (18"x24")

A sketch of Dave's head done in pencil while he was sitting relatively still working on the computer. (8.5"x11")

Pencil sketch of the movie theater box office where I worked in high school, done during a slow time on the back of some scrap paper. (3"x6")

Pencil drawing of a trotting horse. (8.5"x11")

Pencil drawing of a silver tabby climbing a tree, done for art class. (8.5"x11")

Pen and ink drawing of a tiger's head, done for the same class as the tabby to the left. (8.5"x11")

Oil pastels and colored pencils make up this image. The calligraphy was done by hand. (12"x16")

The horse in this oil pastel drawing is based on a Hartland model. The inspiration was an AD&D spell called "Phantom Steed". (8.5"x11")

This oil pastel drawing was supposed to be one of my AD&D characters during his adventures. (8.5"x11")

This oil pastel drawing was also inspired by AD&D, but not by anything specific. (12.5"x16")

I drew this with oil pastels in high school, shortly after I bought a book on how to draw big cats. (8.5"x11")

A colored pencil sketch done after I bought that "how to draw big cats" book. (5"x8.5")

Another colored pencil sketch in the series of pictures inspired by the big cat book. (5"x8.5")

I made a number of drawings in different media based on this same wolf. This is the best one, done in oil pastels and colored pencils. (12.5"x16")

This colored pencil sketch is the third in the big-cat series. (5"x8.5")

This is the final sketch in the colored-pencil big-cat series. (5"x8.5")