Spring 1997 Course Descriptions

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science (compsci) 184
Foundations of Computer Graphics (4 units)

Course format: Three hours of lecture, one hour of discussion, and three hours of laboratory per week.
Prerequisites: 61B; knowledge of linear algebra and calculus.
Introduction to principles of computer graphics. Comparison of various display devices. Two- and three-dimensional transformations such as rotation, scaling, translation, and their matrix representations. Homogeneous coordinates, projective transformations including several formulations for perspective projection. Algorithms for clipping, hidden surface removal, anti-aliasing. Lighting models for reflection, refraction, and transparency. Mathematical techniques for curve and surface representation.
(F,SP) Barsky, Sequin.
(From the '97-'99 General Catalog updated as of 12/04/97)

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering (el eng) 120
Signals and Systems (4 units)

Course format: Four hours of lecture and one hour of recitation per week.
Prerequisites: 40, Mathematics 53 and 54.
Continuous and discrete-time transform analysis techniques with illustrative applications. Linear and time-variant systems, transfer functions. Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace and Z-transforms. Sampling theorem. Solution of differential and difference equations using transforms. Vector differential and difference equations, state-space method of analysis. Frequency response, Bode and Nyquist plots, stability analysis.
(F,SP) Fearing, Kahn.
(From the '97-'99 General Catalog updated as of 12/04/97)

Psychology (psych) 2
Principles of Psychology (3 units)

Credit option: Students will not receive credit for 2 after taking 1.
Course format: Three hours of lecture per week.
An overview of psychology for students who will not major in the field. This course satisfies the prerequisite for upper division decade courses, but not for 100A-100B or for the major.
(F,SP) (From the '97-'99 General Catalog updated as of 12/04/97)

Art Practice (art) 13
Language of Painting (3 units)

Course format: Six hours of instructional studio and three hours of open studio per week.
Prerequisites: 8A or 8B.
A concentrated investigation of what painting on a two-dimensional surface can elicit from what is both observed and felt. Illustrated talks will help familiarize you with issues that have concerned painters in the 20th century.
(F,SP) (From the '97-'99 General Catalog updated as of 12/04/97)