Euphorion Web Version 3.0

Sample Layout 4 - Horizontal Headers

(Mar 2001 - Apr 2001)

Layout Ideas
Using what I had already researched for the previous version of the Euphorion/DataMain website about common navigational categores and their names as well as what I knew had to be changed, I created a number of different layouts in PhotoShop. The layouts were shown to marketing and management, fine tuned, and eventually one was selected to be the next incarnation of the corporate website.

Below are the layouts that were not selected. Click on them to see a larger-view pop-up of the layout. The layout to the right was selected; it too has a larger-view pop-up.

Sample Layout 2 Sample Layout 3 Sample Layout 4 - Vertical Headers
Sample Layout 1 - Black Sample Layout 1 - Blue Sample Layout 1 - Bluegrey
Euphorion Web Version 2.0

Web Site
This is the implementation of the above chosen layout into an HTML web site. I saved web-optimized versions of all the images in the chosen layout (including mouse-over effect images) and then used those images to create a first and second level page template (including server-side include files). The templates were then used to convert all the information on the old website to the new layout and architecture. New information was also added to the new site.

This is the state of this version of the website just before the next version of the website was rolled out. Try it out!