Nilendas is a somwehat scrawny human. He could be mistaken for a half-elf from a distance, but up close it's plain to see that he's just not very big or imposing, and there is a definite non-elfishness to his features.
Typically, he wears comfortable peasant's clothing, a belt with a bunch of various pouches, and a light backpack. He wears a particular pair of gloves wherever and whenever it doesn't bug the people around him. He uses a rapier, because it's a damn impressive weapon when he wields it.
Nilendas prides himself on being able to get into places where his employers want him, but his, um, customers don't. And he's not bad at talking and/or wiggling his way out of uncomfortable situations.
If your name is Aldea, you know that Nilendas carries a holy symbol of the Black Pillar, and you're probably wondering why.
Nilendas was named after various results that a d20 (consonants) and d6 (vowels) produced after being rolled multiple times.
It turned out that Nil was a Black Pillar agent. Then he died. Problem solved.