Redirected from: Sapped, Trapped, and Ah, Crapped
Episode Number: (TG303)
Original Airdate: 8/2001
Tar'haer'raloth and his goblins capture the party and take him to the keep. Their escape is interrupted by another raid on the keep, by BlackPillar soldiers, and the party is manhandled to a prison-cell, and a visit from an old friend.
Watch For:
- A shot to die for of Emcee Hartsdotter and a very lucky bead of sweat.
Plot Points:
- The party is clapped over the head with saps twice in this episode.
- Emcee is much better at bluffing than Leny is. But Leny can hit hard.
Unanswered Questions:
The party's capture and subsequent imprisonment at BlackCrag indicates that the dragon attacked the keep. But according to Tar'haer'raloth himself, he attacked the keep only after it was already taken by giants and goblins. One of the survivors spoke bitterly of the BlackPillar's refusal to send aid. Given that the party is standing in front of Simon of the BlackPillar right now, that should prove interesting.
DMP Speaks:
There are all different kinds of combat. There's big splashy moments of death and destruction, spells flying, magic in the air... and then there's flooring someone with one punch and bluffing your way out of prison and fighting off guards. It's much more visceral, and it's a whole lot more dangerous when the party doesn't have their stuff anymore. It was time to show people that the party is more than their equipment.
Notable Quotes
Dave: This just turned into a hentai game.
Devon: Emcee and Leny!
Geordan: Moving along...
Patrick: She already laid hands on herself.
Geordan and Dave: (singing) "When I'm down and dying I touch myself!"
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