
Oh, what a feelin'... monster on the ceilin'

Episode Number: (TG106)
Original Airdate: 11/2000

The party, with a captured Mentor in tow, tries to find a nice, safe place to hide. Instead, they find the grim specter of whoopass, a monk who isn't as unconscious as he might at first appear, and the joy of being out of spells and getting attacked by something you can't find. They also find that their previous resting place, the temple of the BrightBlade, is no longer a safe haven, having become vulnerable when the holy symbol of the Bright Blade was removed from the altar. After a fight with some angry plantlife, they go in search of new places to rest -- and choose the home of a bloodmist lurker...

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DMP Speaks:

The next episode was a personal favorite of mine in its conception. You're expecting a rest and recuperation episode, right? They head back to the place that was so safe last time, and bam! Killer thorns on the altar. So they run to an empty room and rush inside. Bam! Ceiling-crawling monster with nasty claws.

Why aren't you following up on the big arc?

Big arc? You think the druid is the big arc? Man, you haven't even SEEN the big arc yet. The big arc makes one psycho druid with a thing for thorns look pretty piddly. And if all the party did was chug inexonerably toward their goal each episode, it'd be pretty predictable. You wouldn't get some of the fascinating side notes, like the ceiling monster.

and then it CLOSES THE DOOR

So let me get this straight. You don't like it when the monsters are right out of the book. You don't like it when the monsters are made up. You don't like it when all the monsters are big and stupid. You don't like it when the monsters act with intelligence. For crying out loud, if nature can give this world the Mimic, which has evolved to look like a bloody trunk, then it can give us something that lurks on the ceiling, sprays out a blood-mist to blind its opponents, and has enough intelligence to wait for the right opportunity.

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