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Episode Number: (TG422)
Original Airdate: 10/2002
The party searches the secret Third Floor of the Library of Ironpass.
Tierney acquires a Ring of Wishing and a Deck of Many Things, gaining
the ire of a guardian outsider who fights the party for a while,
then vanishes. During the battle, Arly stumbles into a Power
Word: Kill trap, but that misfortune was reversed by a wish
from Tierney. After getting the information they needed (along
with other juicy bits), they try to escape, only to be confronted
by a large contingent of Librarians. As the battle turns strongly
against the party's favor, Tierney uses the last remaining wish to
transport everyone back to Karilon's office in Twingate. After a
short debriefing, the party plays with the Deck of Many Things -- to
catastrophic effect.
Watch For:
- Many, many negative levels being inflicted on the party.
- A whole buttload of plot coming out of nowhere.
Plot Points
- Rant may be an outsider, and carries an amulet or necklace which negates the normal weaknesses that outsiders have on this plane.
- The Gray Army (mentioned on the note found in Tar'haer'raloth's lair) is used only for civil matters, and may be composed of undead or constructs. No city has survived against the Gray Army.
- Tierney had to call aloud to his ring in a clear voice, "Take the party to Karilon's office in Twingate, now!"
- Sendant elected to draw two cards, and drew The Void as his first card.
- Tierney elected to draw five cards, and draw The Void as his first card.
- Arlemis elected to draw two cards, and drew the Throne and the Flames.
- Gryff, who talked liberally about drawing no cards, eventually elected to draw one card, and drew the Sun.
- Timus, who was against drawing any cards in the first place, elected to draw two cards and drew the Key and the Rogue.
Unanswered Questions
- Where is Sendant's soul?
- Where is Tierney's soul?
- Which outsider's enmity has Arly earned?
- Which of Tim's friends has turned against him?
- Who knew that extraplanar adventures would happen so soon?
- A Deck of Many Things is a powerful, scary thing.
Quotable Notes
Tony: Does Gryff hear that?
Patrick: Everyone can hear it. Deaf people can hear it.
Geordan (Arly is dead) raises his hand.
Patrick: Okay, maybe not you.
Geordan: I have a really good Listen check...
Patrick: Yeah, okay.
Sendant fucked with the magic wom-wom, and got shafted. I oughtta
do something for the guy.
Tierney fucked with the magic wom-wom, and got what he deserved.
What disturbs me is that part of me wants to save his sorry arse.
Unanswered questions:
- Don't know.
- Don't know. Hopefully not too close to Sendant's.
- Don't know. Hopefully the one responsible for Sendant's soul. At least I can help the poor guy if that's the case.
- Don't know. I like him as much as I always did.
- I didn't. I've heard that -- (BZZZT. You're metagaming.) Sorry. I'll shut up now.
How does [in-game term for 11 negative levels] feel?
Like freezing to death in the bowels of an active volcano while
your internal organs are being crushed by an invisible hand.
And dying of apathy.
You're not very good at answering those unanswered questions, Gryff.
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