flayed man

Flayed Man

Medium-sized undead

HD: 2d12+3 (16 hp)
Init: +0
Move: 30'
Face/Reach: 5'x 5'/5' reach
AC: 11 (+1 natural), or 7 when raging
Attack: 2 claws +4 (+7 when raging)
Damage: Claws 1d4+3, 1d4+6 when raging
Special Attacks: Stench, Rage
Special Qualities: Undead, Regeneration 5
Saves: F:+0 R:+0 W:+2
Abilities: Str:14(22) Dex:10 Con:- Int:10 Wis:10 Cha: 8
Feats: Toughness, Raise DC(Stench)
Skills: Spot+10, Listen+10, Bluff+10
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Organization: Solitary, brood(2-5), or pack(5-20)
Climate/Terrain: Underground
Treasure: None
Advancement: 3-6HD(Medium-sized), 7-14HD(Large)
Challenge Rating: 2

The flayed man is a horrible undead creation. Its unending anger and hatred for all life is surpassed only by its cunning and malevolant intelligence.

The flayed man looks like its name -- a shuffling man whose skin has been flayed from his bones. It does not speak, but understands Common, though it will only use that knowledge to its own benefit.

Flayed men are really just byproducts of the process used to create the Skins, significantly more powerful undead formed from the skins of several flayed men.

Combat: The flayed man usually attacks like an ordinary skeleton or zombie, using its claws and quickly being brought down by ordinary adventurers. It lets the adventurers get their guard down (feigning death through bluffing) before it gets back to its feet, laughing, only to attack again even more ferociously.

Rage (Ex): When fighting humanoid foes, the flayed man flies into a rage, gaining a +6 to Strength and a -4 to armor class. This rage can be stopped by striking the flayed man for real (non-subdual) damage.

Stench (Su): When struck for damage, the flayed man secretes a stench. This gas fills all squares immediately adjacent to the flayed man. Anyone breathing the air within must make a Fortitude Save (DC14) or take a -2 circumstance penalty on attacks and skill checks for the next 1d4 rounds. Multiple failures against different stenches stack.

Regeneration (Ex): Fire, acid, and positive energy from Cure spells causes normal damage.

History: The party fought the skins in Glain in season two, in the episode "What happened to the skins?" Later, they fought more of them in the Perishing Fall, in "Aldea Rolls Two 20's and an 11". both cases, the creatures were created and controlled by Rilt (Reltajoon).

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