insectile monsters
Also known as Thon'ri. (Don't click on the link unless you have a good reason to know what they are and what they can do.)
Here's what the party currently knows about the monsters first encountered in A Little Knight Music:
- Bipedal, four long arms, roughly like an upright cockroach, with a hard, protective carapace, multifaceted eyes, and a hinged jaw
- Speak in some sort of click-keen language
- Have spell-like abilities, including Invisibility, Teleport or Dimension Door, and Change/Alter Self
- Have multiple attacks, possibly including a bite that does Wisdom damage (See Gryff's injury, and Sendant's, too)
- Appeared to be headed for the chessboard in Duke Eledin's private chamber, or else following Fayel
- It can be inferred that they either orchestrated the attack on Duke Eledin, assisted with it, or are taking advantage of it.
- One of them kidnapped Aldea during the rescue of Duke Eledin and impersonated her for a while. That creature was defeated and its body stored in the Tashir Temple for later study.
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insectile monsters:
Last edited 22 years ago
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