Euphorion Client Extranet

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(Mar 2001)

I worked with a back-end coder to create an extranet that would be accessible by the clients of the company (protected by a per-client password), and also be easily maintained by people inside the company. We sought input from project managers (who would be the primary users of the extranet) and others in the company as to what features and information clients would find useful. Once all the feedback had been gathered, we brainstormed in a couple of whiteboarding sessions to figure out the best way to present the data to the clients, and also the best way to administrate all the per-client and per-project data.

Using the results of the whiteboarding sessions as a

guide, I created this demo of the client view of the extranet and the administration view of the extranet. This was transformed into the functional client extranet by the backend coder, and then, when the Euphorion Version 3.0 site was launched, the look and feel of the client extranet was changed to match the new website. And it was all done in less than a month. The pictures below and to the right illustrate the client extranet after its look and feel had been changed. Click on them to see a larger-view pop-up of the layout.