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Dead Can Dance

Episode Number: (TG604)
Original Airdate: 3/2002

The party continues to explore the strange dungeon. Inside they rescue a goblin trapped in some sort of examination room. Tierney makes a deal with a demon, and regrets it shortly thereafter. After some skirmishes with some mindflayers and thon'ri, the party teleports back to Arly's keep where they discuss things with the goblin. The party rests for a night, then return to the TBP stronghold and release a lillend, who tells them of a group of Oathmaker clerics in a nearby room.

Plot Points


Unanswered Questions

Notable Quotes

Trapped demon: Human! Free me and I will grant you the powers of the cosmos!
Tierney: I'm not comfortable with authority...

Tierney: So what you're saying is that you'll actually double cross me, stab me in the back, and take my body along just for fun.
Trapped demon (lying badly): ...nnnnnno...?

Colin (rolling a 19 on a Use Magic Device check when he needed a 20): I don't want to go back to Twingate... there's nothing to DO in Twingate...

Sendant (after being incorrectly teleported): Well, this is a first.
Tim (sheepishly): No... not really.

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