
One Lie Leads to Another

Episode Number: (TG111)
Original Airdate: 2/2001

The party returns home and finds a bit more than they bargained for. The I'kliat come to reclaim their heritage and help heal the party. A strange artifact Salin had under his altar gives the party prophetic dreams.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Karilon says, "One life leads to another," the same line that the I'kliat used and Salin used as well, quoting the I'kliat when he said it. The implication is that the armored man who told the I'kliat to attack the caravan wasn't a BlackPillar emissary at all, but Karilon or one of his agents, in BlackPillar attire. There's no solid proof of this, but if it's true, it would mean that Karilon is trying to start a conflict with the BlackPillar.

(3/2001): Tierney's dream, as he revealed to Gryff and the others, involved a group of skeletons watching the dead bodies of two dwarves who apparently killed each other with dwarven ritual weapons -- an Urgosh and a Dwarven Waraxe. Their blood is utterly black and has stars visible in it, and something looks like it's coming through that blood like a doorway. This dream seems to relate somehow to the concept of dwarves never ever harming other dwarves. It also raises the question of what is going to come through.

(7/2001): Leny's dream, as articulated by the alternate-world Arlemis, involved DukeEledin playing chess with some horrible monster, and the horrible monster gradually winning. The chessboard was also a doorway of some kind. This is the second metaphor for doorways in the dreams. It's also an indication of how powerful the dreams were, if they affected the alternate-world versions of each person.

Arlemis also related his own dream, which involved a blue-skinned elf clutching a winged halfling who bled silver, with a trail of silver blood that appeared to be the way the elf found the halfling. Whether this has any relevence, or is just a red herring, remains to be seen.

(9/2001): At some point a few months back, Timus revealed his dream to Tierney (only, so far): a man he'd never seen before (but who he later met and found to be Simon of Ironpass) is in a grand ballroom, dancing with a dead woman in a lovely dress.

DMP Speaks:

The best part of the whole scenario was the look on people's faces when Karilon gives his last line and walks out. A classic line. Not that it proves anything, but it just sows a beautiful seed of doubt.


Dreams are important in this world. You saw Gryff get a dream from the BrightBlade, and Lome received a message in his dreams that helped him start down the path to paladinhood. Since most of these dreams occur offstage, it's tough to tell the whole audience what's going on, but they're still vital, pivotal forces.

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