
What's in a name

Episode Number: (TG407)
Original Airdate: 2/2002

Um, a lotta stuff happens. The party gets back into their original bodies and gets back together over a big bowl of half-dragon whoopass stew. And things are going so very well until Sendant attacks Timus and coup-de-graces Tierney, and then Brel shows up, and Aldea makes some insect noises and takes off with Tierney's flail and a major artifact.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions:


Names were sort of important in this episode. People assuming other people's identities. People maintaining their old identity in a new body. Mistaken identities. False identities. And Tierney, who at last count has at least three names, all of which get him in trouble with different people...

DMP Speaks

A en ri delhil, everybody.

Had a bunch of fun. Also got Timus with potential emotionalness, Tierney with naming fun, Sendant with enchantments, Arly with naming fun, and everybody with Aldea. Pretty much a good night.

Horvun was such a waste. How many ones did he roll? Dangit.

Geordan Speaks

What is it, exactly, with female characters or players and evil agendas? I'm beginning to sense a pattern here. Is there something deeper to this? And will feminists suddenly swarm Patrick, insisting that women aren't inherently evil... they just get better saving throws?

Aldamar Speaks

I might be wrong, but I think women are pretty much evil. I try to avoid them, when I can. Who needs that kind of emotional mess? I mean, really? For instance, just look at Tierney's life, shall we? Disaster.

I suppose Leny was something of an exception. For a time, at least.

Oh, and by the way... what in the nine hells is going on here?! I really do not understand all this intrigue. Might someone please lend me some insight?

Tony Speaks

To address Geordan's concerns: I don't think there's any deep agenda. If anyone plays a female character in this game ever again, don't let DMP take control of her.

Evidence: Leny is apparently a Black Pillar recruit. The name "Kaelith" has been spoken in many a curse by Arlemis. Aldea (or someone who looks just like her) may be far less Elven than the party thinks.

All this makes Emcee, with her implanted punching daggers, seem downright cute and cuddly. And we know that she's not afraid to be petty and vindictive, especially when it comes to personal matters. We do remember that she's a trained assassin, right?

So, once again, don't let female characters fall into the hands of DMP. Less of these evil plots will show up.

Gryffid Speaks

Arlemis, I hope you're going to do something with those ashes that ensures the permanent and utter destruction of Kaborelias. Whoever he is.

If not, you'll be answering to me and something very sharp.

Your left and right halves will be answering separately, by the way.

Notable Quotes

Dave: True Strike, hasted, and shocking grasp.
Patrick: Okay... you successfully Shocking Grasp the half-BLUE dragon.
Dave: Wait. Blue dragons are what, again?
Everyone: Lightning.
Dave: D'oh.

Monk: Yes, we await the return of the Sorrowful Observer of Truth, Tahilranev.
Geordan: [laughs uncontrollably]
Tierney: Um... hm.
Monk: We have some brochures in the gift shop.
Tierney: Someone pick one of those up, will you?

Arlemis: Alright, Kaborelias, this time I'm ready, you're gonna get what you deserve!
Brel: Kaborelias is here?
Geordan: Sense Motive?
Patrick: Seems sincere to you.
Geordan: D'oh.
Arlemis: Oh. Truce?

David: Does she have any magical abilities which I know about?
Patrick: Well, there is that... (starts making a hand motion)
Colin: (pointing at Patrick) NO, NO, NO.
Geordan: (grins a very satisfied grin) It's pure magic when it's done right.

Sendant: By the power of, The Bright Blade...I step forward and take three blind attacks at Timus.

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