
A Note from Our Sponsor

Episode Number: (TG601)
Original Airdate: 3/2002

The party returns to Twingate after eliminating the Pit Fiend general of the Black Pillar army. They discover that Yadarjin has been replaced by a shadow creature of the Penumbral Lord.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


In terms of events in the world, this episode propels some stuff along nicely. The Black Pillar army is effectively stalled with the defeat of their general, leaving the party free to either free Bergis or investigate other avenues.

One thing that seems to have thrown the party off slightly is the fact that Yadarjin turned into something that looked exactly like Tierney's recollection of the TBP, but did not detect as such. It appeared to be in service to the Penumbral Lord, and radiated the awful chilling cold that other PL servitors manifested. This throws some of the party's information for a loop. Those black ships seen over Griltar -- they sound like the TBP ships that Tierney saw. But are they serving the TBP, the King, or the Penumbral Lord?

Notable Quotes

Patrick: The new campaign starts 800 years later. Anyone who lives that long is still around.
Dave: Hey, I'm draconic! This means I'm Ancient now, right?
Patrick: Gah! Never mind! Same campaign.

Tierney: We were talking about that whole Arly being undead and powered by the Cryptlord thing.
Sendant: Oh. Sigh.

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