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Bearing Witness and Witnessing Bears

Episode Number: (TG209)
Original Airdate: 5/2001

The next morning, the party goes to defend Gryffid, except for Tierney. Tierney is trapped with Emcee under quite a lot of rubble after Emcee tried to kill him. Events in the courtroom reach a fever pitch when one of the witnesses is caught lying and commits suicide, and when they get back to their rooms, the party is attacked by WyvernRiders. A new ally, Aldamar, comes to their aid.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


The party may have made an impression with their defense, but it also looks like they overlooked some important points. Falwar the glassblower obviously had something to hide -- had Tierney been there, he might have been able to target the man. But without what Tierney knew, Timus and Arlemis could only take blind shots.

12/2001: The phrase that Falwar overhead Gryff using was "Tar har'gra mak tei", which roughly translates as, "That bastard, I'll kill 'em." Given the later use of the term "har'gra" as racial slur meaning "non-dwarf", this stands roughly to reason. And gosh, that DMP fellow does occasionally think ahead. Or behind.

DMP Speaks:

Who's the new guy? Are they introducing a new person to the cast again?

The cast of Twingate was always intended to be flexible. With Lome gone, Kaelith was brought in. Fan reaction to Kaelith was about what I'd expected initially, but both she and I feel she never really developed as a character. While she had the potential to be someone really important to the overall story, the plotlines kept her pretty firmly in the background.

Kaelith had some story lines going, particularly with Arlemis, that will be resolved early in the next season, but for the most part, I think that she and the show are really moving in different directions.

Now, Aldamar... someone we're really excited about. He's a druid, which will add to Arlemis' ranger thing, and the shapechange possibilities will make for some nice effects. You saw the giant pillar of flame that he brought down on the bad guys. This is someone who isn't afraid to mix it up.

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