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Helping Claws

Episode Number: (TG504)
Original Airdate: 11/2002

The party is split for most of the episode. Timus and Tierney made it back to Twingate, but are unable to get back to their friends. They discover that most of the world is locked to teleportation except for teleportation gates. Meanwhile, Gryff, "Arly", Kaz'k, and Gray get accosted by snooty guards. While their melee-centric nature takes the guards by surprise, a pair of stone golems serves to put a damper on the festivities. Fortunately, the Southlands party manages to break out of jail just as Timus, Tierney, and Emcee, who bribed their way through a gate down into the Southland city, find them. After a quick jaunt to retrieve the soulless body of Arlemis (at a construct & zombie shop called "Helping Hands"), the party gets their asses back to Twingate. And prepares for the big fight.

Watch For

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions


Berian said that the Twingate area somehow resisted the wards against teleportation. Whether that means that Twingate is somehow important, or protected, remains to be seen.

Southlanders speak a different language, and appear to think of people from the Twingate area as savage barbarians.

Notable Quotes

Kazek (after preventing "Arly" from setting the orchard on fire): Only YOU can prevent forest fires.

Patrick: What are the two of you doing? Regardless of the fact that I just said "BOOM!".

Guard: Just step through the gate. It should be perfectly safe; system shock hasn't been used since 1st edition.
Tierney: I'll just send in my page first.

Tierney: I'm just worried about merchants trying to skirt around the town and ending up on spikes on the city walls.
Timus: But that's merchants.

Kazek (with a guard impaled on one of his horns): I'll wear the dead guard and try to keep a low profile.

Alec: All I have left is Restoration.
Patrick: Yay! You're attacked by wraiths!

DMP Speaks

The party is back in normality, geographically speaking. I am officially happy. And with luck, no one will want to go to the Southlands anytime soon.

This is, most likely, the last "Sendant & someone-else Gone" episode. I think people are ready to get back to their regular characters.

Gryffid Speaks

I want the old Arlemis back. At least he had some remote ethical sense before he became Mr Blue Eyes. Sure, he was unreliable then. But at least it was a decent sort of unreliable.

Now he's worse.

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