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Night Falls in Twingate

Episode Number: (TGC04)
Original Airdate: 12/2001

A night at the tavern is interrupted by word from Karilon that the HammerOfFyran is missing, and so is Leny. The party splits up to find her, and each group runs into some kind of dilemna.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


DMP Speaks

Answer to the unasked question: Since the minute I rolled her.

First season: Party laughs at Leny's inability to sneak through the woods. Party laughs at Leny's inability to sneak through the fallen keep. Leny confides to Gryffid that she feels useless without her strength, because she sees it as all she has: "I certainly don't have any of that elven grace." Leny is defensive around Arlemis, who is so much more graceful than she is. She is mortified at falling in a combat against the draconian goblins when she clumsily takes a fireball square in the face, and displays jealousy and anger when Lome decides to become a paladin, telling party members that paladinhood was all she had that set her apart, made her special.

First Season Interim: Leny is seen by Timus going into Arcanae, most likely to buy something, but upon seeing Tim she becomes embarrassed and leaves. Later, Tim sees Leny trying to ride her griffon and failing.

Second Season: Party laughs when Leny falls off her griffon. Party laughs at Leny's inability to sneak through the forest. Tierney says that he wants to climb down a ladder after Leny for fear that she will fall on him if he climbs down first. When Cleff casts Cat's Grace upon Leny, she is exhilarated, turning cartwheels and laughing. She is clearly disappointed when the spell wears off, and ends up falling hard for Cleff when he casts the spell on her again. She possibly has a fling with him. Timus sees Leny out behind the inn one afternoon trying and failing repeatedly to do a cartwheel on her own.

Second Season Interim: Leny is visibly shaken by news that Cleff has been executed as a scapegoat for the raiding activity outside of Glain. Leny is ordered to turn in her "dishonorable" glamoured platemail and wear a breastplate instead, so that she can "move with grace and agility."

Third Season: Leny?s griffon dies, and she tells Tierney that she feels responsible, because she slipped and fell and her griffon had to lunge in to save her; when it did so, it was killed by the dragon. In the dungeon, Leny gets turned into a toad repeatedly and fails all kinds of reflex saves, and the party laughs at her. Leny is badly shaken by her death and subsequent raising, but does not really talk to anyone except Aldamar, who is possibly the only person to hear that she was happy up in heaven, and feels broken and flawed again now that she has been brought back. Party laughs at Leny when she nearly drops the Wrathful Smiter while trying to quick-draw it. She also appears genuinely hurt when Arlemis uses an illusion to look like her, and then does feats of agility that she can't do. She is absolutely ecstatic when she finds the HammerOfFyran and with it gets newfound agility and the ability to fly.

Post-third Season Interim:

Leny was the only character in the party with any score below average -- like a mortal among superheroes, almost. Not sure if that's significant, but when I first saw that 9, I almost rerolled her. And then I thought about it a little. And didn't.

Food for thought.


Tony Speaks:

So I just finished reading the SecundayEmail. I started it about when Concrete Blonde's "Joey" had started on the radio. And finished it about when the song finished.

There was a resonance there. Perhaps something between the narrator's plight in the song, and Leny's plight as a paladin.

Forgiveness can be a very difficult thing, don't you think? Difficult, but necessary.

Gryffid Speaks:

You know, some things are just bad ideas.

Now I've known about the Keepers since I was a wee lad. Can't say I know all about them, but I do know a fair deal.

The first rule of dealing with 'em is to notice that there are more of them than you.

The second rule is to notice that they are at least as heavily armed as you.

The third rule is to notice that they do not like you. (Heck, they probably don't even like each other.)

So, naturally, the fourth rule follows: those who mess with the keepers get turned into a bloody mess faster than you can say "bloody mess."

And that's when they're dealing with their own kind. Different species usually fare worse.

We do our best to keep the Keepers on short leashes, but they still need to do their job, even if it pisses off half the world. If it results in a world where Dwarves can live in relative safety and comfort, it can't be all bad.

I'm glad that Sendant caught on so quickly. More quickly than I did, that's for sure.

But I'll take Keeper justice over Simon's any day of the week.

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