
Breaking and Entering

Episode Number: (SS101)
Original Airdate: 4/2002

This is the first part of Spell and Silence.

There's only one man currently alive who has gotten past the traps and guards at Ironpass -- he claimed that he had figured out a mathematical algorithm that let him predict the apparently random pattern of guard rotations, trap positions, and arcane warding spells. He's brilliant, and comfortably on the other side of the sanity fence. He's currently serving a life sentence in Tresk. Tierney, Timus, and Aldea are going to break him out.

Of course, they will have some help. Karilon has found a few people to help them out: Jaelin, an arcane locksmith, Warri, a very charming individual from the Southlands, and Nilendas ("Nil"), who specializes in breaking and entering.

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