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The Usual Auspects

Episode Number: (TG203)

Original Airdate: 3/2001

The party reaches Glain and begins their investigation. An assassin with a powerful crossbow is apparently after the party. But a night at the local tavern leads to trouble when Timus is attacked and Baelin, the lead performer, is putting subliminal messages in the music.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


Baelin was seen speaking with an elf between performances. The elf is possibly connected to Baelin's work. The fact that Simon of Ironpass had a young friend with a trumpet who apparently came to the bar specifically to counter Baelin's effects might imply that Simon is a potential ally. Or, possibly, that his purposes currently coincide with the party.

DMP Speaks:

It's unrealistic for Gryff to be taken that easily. He's not stupid.

Gryff is a guy. I believe this adequately counters your point.

Wouldn't OathMaker Priests be forbidden to work against each other? I mean, they're all Lawful.

Yes, and Catholic priests in the real world never work against each other. Politics is politics. Even in the Foundation and SkyQueen churches, there are going to be people who are kind to the beggars and children but fight ruthlessly for advantages politically, all in the belief that if's what is truly necessary for the greater good.

Don't be surprised if that comes back to haunt people...

Gryffid Speaks:

It was about this time that Arlemis dubbed this mission "Pain in Glain." And upon seeing what Simon could do...well, that was humbling to say the least. But these little things were nothing compared to what we would later experience in the same little forest town...

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