13 Secumon -- Fourday Gras: This holiday is held on the second Fourday in Secumon. It is meant to be one last bigass party before the Attending, 30 days of fasting and contemplation before Springwake, when the gods bring spring back to the world. Fourday Gras sees a lot of intense partying, with costumes, masquerade balls, firelit night-time parades, and a lot of drinking. Fifthday, already a half-work day in most cultures, is pretty much entirely ditched the night after Fourday Gras. The patron gods of this holiday are traditionally gods of chaos and temptation -- the Wild One, the Temptress, the Coward, and even the Cataclysm are venerated on this night, and it is not considered evil to do so.
14 Secumon - 14 Thirmon: The Attending. This period of prayer, fasting, and abstinence is said to be a test by the gods to ensure that the world is worthy of being returned to spring. All gods expect more offerings than usual during this period.
15 Thirmon: Springwake, when the gods of Nature -- the Foundation, the Sky Queen, Balance, the Wild One, and even the Cataclysm are asked to lend their energies and bring back the long days of spring and summer. This day sees spring festivals and feasts, consuming the last of the food saved during the winter in faith that spring is on the way.
18 Sevmon -- Dragondoom: stylistically, this holiday resembles Halloween or Thanksgiving. It involves a pageant where a hero (usually some strong young man or someone being honored by the town) and a "sacrifice" (a young woman, usually honored for her beauty) get on stage, and the hero pretends to sacrifice her as part of his prayer, receives a blessing from the gods, and then slays a dragon, which is either done with illusions or puppetry. Then the hero and the sacrifice carry around a big hollow dragon's head filled with candy, throwing treats to people as they run through town. There's a lot of drinking as well -- it is traditional to shout "Dra-GOOOOOM!" as one take a big drink. This holiday is celebrated primarily by gnomes, halflings, and dwarves.
18-19 Tenmon -- DayWithoutLight: for about a day and a half, the sun does not shine. Most people throw big huge parties with loud music and dancing and fires, "Waking the Gods" for the new year.
(more when Pat gets around to it)
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