
Worg and Peace

Episode Number: (TG201)
Original Airdate: 3/2001

Second-season premiere. The party gets a new mission, restore the peace in Glain. On their way, they meet a wizard named Simon, who is from IronPass, and has some intense magical ability.

Plot Points:

Unanswered Questions:


This seems to be a new start for the group. In the season premiere, which lasts twice as long as normal, we get to see some of the new party dynamic, as well as how they deal with mounted combat. Leny's griffon is an odd choice considering how clumsy she is. And Simon is much more powerful than anyone in the party. His BlackPillar allegiance makes everyone except possibly Leny uncomfortable.

The half-dragon wolves are much stronger than normal wolves. Their breath weapon killed Gryff's war pony, and nearly killed Gryff as well. It's possible that the creatures commanding the goblins in Spiked Chains and Fireballs and Death Knells, Oh My! were half-dragon goblins of the white dragon variety.

DMP Speaks:

Lome and Kaelith...

I talked with the actor who plays Lome, and we mutually agreed that his character needed to move in a different direction. His role as assumed party leader was making it hard to script certain episodes, and he'd been offered a part on NYPD Blue. It was a mutually amicable parting, and all of us wish him the best of luck. Any time someone leaves, you're going to hear about tension on the set, people saying, "Why should you get the magical Longbow?" and other stuff... really, it's nothing to put any credit in. His career is moving in a different direction.

As for Kaelith, she's a halfing priestess of the YoungerSister. We wanted to get a little more ethnicity in the ranks, since this is a fantasy world and right now it's full of humans and half-elves, with one dwarf.

The BlackPillar is evil. Leny should attack Simon

Leny isn't going to just randomly attack Simon. For starters, the BlackPillar is a respected ally in the area, even if it's not entirely loved or trusted. Also, there's a difference between Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil. Brel, the elf Leny attacked in the keep? Chaotic Evil. Killed women and children. Did unspeakable bad things. Mad dog with a sword. Leny sensed that, and went after him. Simon is more of an institutionalized evil. He might not be merciful or look kindly on other points of view, but he's not just going to run around lobbing fireballs at orphans. Unless he does something outright nasty, Leny is probably okay with him.

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