
Twingate Keep


A garrison stands at each of the four corners of the city. Guards in Twingate serve either as Northern Gatemen, Southern Gatemen, or Duke's Men. The Northern Garrisons house the Northern Gatemen when they are on call, as the Southern Garrisons house the Southern Gatemen. The Duke's men, who serve as guards of the inner keep and peacekeepers in the city, stay in the inner keep when on call. A Guard is generally on call two days out of the week, and serving on duty for six days out of the week.

The Chain of Command


Armsmaster Dalin

Elhenia, Northern Gatekeeper

Tahlia, Northeastern GC
    Gandal, Captain of the Scouts
Harol, Northwestern GC
    Berian, Captain of the FlameLancers

Kolbar, Southern Gatekeeper

Relg, Southeastern GC
    Kriana, Captain of the LightMen
Karilon, Southwestern GC
    Krieg, Captain of the BorderMen


Temple of the BrightBlade. Dornas Vende is high priest of the Twingate Temple of the BrightBlade. He is an imposing man who often gives demonstrations with his glowing greatsword before the public. For all that, he seems to be a friendly man, and is popular around town. He tends to distance himself slightly from Tahlia.

Temple of the FairSisters. Salia and Veril are the Chief Officiates of the Temple of the FairSisters. The church hierarchy is farily loose. Salia and Veril are the most powerful clerics of their deities in the area, and the others defer to them. The FairSisters see to much of the healing and spiritual advice in the town.

Temple of the KingAndQueen. Erica Donnan and Gull Brynn are the Co-Rulers of this area in the eyes of the Temple. They take their roles very seriously, and work strongly with Lightman Kriana to enhance that status of the Foundation and the SkyQueen in Twingate. They are scrupulously moral, however, and consider their political moves to be all a part of fair competition between the religions.


Fortin's Wares: Fortin is a smith of some renown, and the chief armorer and weaponsmith of the town. His prices are steep, but his wares are of excellent quality. He tends to be ornery, and doesn't put up with much, but for good merchandise, he can always be relied upon.

Taffid's Goods: Taffid is a dealer of just about everything, from general goods to expensive potions and perfumes to the occasional magical item. Taffid is rumored to have connections to outfits of dubious legality, though the money he brings into Twingate has caused the Chinless Duke to turn a blind eye for now.

Arcanae: The shopowner of Arcanae is always hooded and cloaked from head to toe. No one knows who he, or she, truly is. What is known is that for magical items, Arcanae is the place to go. New Guards are cautioned to avoid the place, as it is suspected to have unsavory connections, but no action has been taken against it.

Taverns and Inns

Ogre's Knee: The Ogre's Knee is a good place to get drunk very quickly and possibly start a good-natured fight. The bartender and owner, Derk Trollbane makes the rules simple. No weapons, no spells, and stop hittin' 'em once they stop movin'. The Ogre's Knee has music, dancing on some nights, and the best damn' lookin' barmaids in town.

Wayfarer's Inn: This simple inn is run by Alteus Trent, a man of excellent taste who keeps a good, clean, inexpensive place of lodging for Guards on their free nights.

Millie's: Millie runs what is ostensibly a tavern. In actuality, it is fairly well known as a house of ill repute, and were it not the only one in town, and fairly well watched, it would be shut down. As it is, most of the GC's have stated flatly that if Millie's was shut down on a Friday afternoon, there'd be a mutiny on Monday morning.

Broken Dagger: The Broken Dagger is a more upscale tavern than the Ogre's Knee. It boasts an officer's room, where only those holding rank in the Guards may go to drink. When bards visit the town, they will often perform in the inner keep itself, and at the Broken Dagger.


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