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Lips of the Construct

Episode Number: (TG413)
Original Airdate: 8/2002

Note: This episode takes place chronologically just after Exploding in Light.

The party has separate adventures on their own. Tierney is attacked by assassins; Gryff is attacked by a monk with a grudge; Arly is attacked by Krim, who is also Mirk, who is also Arly's ex-girlfriend's adopted brother; and Sendant and Timus are given an opportunity to find out who tried to kill Sendant, and why -- and to avenge Aldea's death.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions



Dave: Oh, lame!
Patrick: What's wrong?
Dave: With Haste, Tim still takes four minutes four seconds to run a mile.

Mike: Are they evil?
Patrick: ...Yes.
Mike: Then that's baaaad for them.

Sendant (after doing 61 points of damage): I love me.

Gryffid Speaks

Groth is a mistake we will not make again.

Yeah, Arlemis interfered in the duel. But I don't blame him entirely. For the record, I didn't act dishonorably towards Groth. Towards his henchlings, perhaps, but they probably deserved it.

Timus Speaks

Sendant has an overdeveloped sense of vengeance, I believe. He could have at least waited to help out the guys before sprinting off to take on the evil construct users. Hrmph. I like toads. I wish I'd remembered to cast Detect Thoughts before interrogating K'laeme. Still, I can't complain much, since I didn't get hurt at all today.

Tony Speaks

Forgetting that your primary weapon is a +2 weapon sucks. Still, I can't complain much, since Gryffid didn't die in the duel.

Geordan Speaks

Forgetting that you have two-weapon fighting sucks. Still, I can't complain much, since Arly didn't die in the duel.

DMP Speaks

Forgetting that ninth level monks get a bonus to their AC sucks. Still, I can't complain much, since... waaaaait a minute. Son of a bitch!

This was a good chance to get people back into their comfortable roles. After being 9th level for a long time, going back to the 12th level characters is a bit of a wake-up call. People have a LOT of power. They can do a LOT of powerful stuff. (Like use their other hand... -geordan)

This is also the first episode that has a combination of me being back from novel-writing, and me attempting to give PCs more power over the plot. Or players, at least... darn Dave and his darn 20-rolling dice...

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